Customer Survey IFAT2022

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    1. When you buy a CITYBAC 240 L how important are the following features to you?

    [rangeslider gewichtsoptimierung-rating min:0 max:10 step:1 color:#ff0000 tooltip-color:#000000 calslider:left esrstoltip:top]

    [rangeslider achslagerung-rating min:0 max:10 step:1 color:#ff0000 tooltip-color:#000000 calslider:left esrstoltip:top]

    [rangeslider deckelschanier-rating min:0 max:10 step:1 color:#ff0000 tooltip-color:#000000 calslider:left esrstoltip:top]

    [rangeslider recyclateinsatz-rating min:0 max:10 step:1 color:#ff0000 tooltip-color:#000000 calslider:left esrstoltip:top]

    [rangeslider ral-rating min:0 max:10 step:1 color:#ff0000 tooltip-color:#000000 calslider:left esrstoltip:top]

    [rangeslider rumpfanbindung-rating min:0 max:10 step:1 color:#ff0000 tooltip-color:#000000 calslider:left esrstoltip:top]

    [rangeslider stapelbarkeit-rating min:0 max:10 step:1 color:#ff0000 tooltip-color:#000000 calslider:left esrstoltip:top]

    [rangeslider kennzeichnung-rating min:0 max:10 step:1 color:#ff0000 tooltip-color:#000000 calslider:left esrstoltip:top]

    [rangeslider schanierbolzen -rating min:0 max:10 step:1 color:#ff0000 tooltip-color:#000000 calslider:left esrstoltip:top]

    [rangeslider fraktionskennzeichnung-rating min:0 max:10 step:1 color:#ff0000 tooltip-color:#000000 calslider:left esrstoltip:top]

    2. What other features or functions would be important to you in CITYBAC 240 L??

    [rangeslider functions-2w-miss-1-rating min:0 max:10 step:1 color:#ff0000 tooltip-color:#000000 calslider:left esrstoltip:top]

    [rangeslider functions-2w-miss-2-rating min:0 max:10 step:1 color:#ff0000 tooltip-color:#000000 calslider:left esrstoltip:top]

    [rangeslider functions-2w-miss-3-rating min:0 max:10 step:1 color:#ff0000 tooltip-color:#000000 calslider:left esrstoltip:top]

    3. When buying a 1,100 litre bin, what features are important to you here? (e.g. ergonomics, etc.) and why?

    On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being not at all important and 10 being very important, how would they rank the functions?

    [rangeslider buy1100liter-1-rating min:0 max:10 step:1 color:#ff0000 tooltip-color:#000000 calslider:left esrstoltip:top]

    [rangeslider buy1100liter-2-rating min:0 max:10 step:1 color:#ff0000 tooltip-color:#000000 calslider:left esrstoltip:top]

    [rangeslider buy1100liter-3-rating min:0 max:10 step:1 color:#ff0000 tooltip-color:#000000 calslider:left esrstoltip:top]

    [rangeslider buy1100liter-4-rating min:0 max:10 step:1 color:#ff0000 tooltip-color:#000000 calslider:left esrstoltip:top]

    [rangeslider buy1100liter-5-rating min:0 max:10 step:1 color:#ff0000 tooltip-color:#000000 calslider:left esrstoltip:top]

    [group dealers-distributors]

    4. For dealers only

    How important are detailed descriptions of SULO products to you?
    [rangeslider dealsdistributorsonly-1-rating min:0 max:10 step:1 color:#ff0000 tooltip-color:#000000 calslider:left esrstoltip:bottom]

    How important are prefabricated tender texts for you?
    [rangeslider dealsdistributorsonly-2-rating min:0 max:10 step:1 color:#ff0000 tooltip-color:#000000 calslider:left esrstoltip:bottom]

    How important is an overview of SULO's and the competition's certificates?
    [rangeslider dealsdistributorsonly-3-rating min:0 max:10 step:1 color:#ff0000 tooltip-color:#000000 calslider:left esrstoltip:bottom]
